Ashley Hirsh

President of the Circle Arts Collective

Ashley is a theatre kid and always will be. She has spent her life finding a home in performance spaces, in books, and among artists and weirdos. Ashley is passionate about kindness, nature, equity and equality, creativity, and community. She also believes in destiny, spirit, magic, and is a frequent communicator with the Divine Intelligence that creates everything. It is because of destiny, magic, and the intersection of all these things that she was blessed to meet Janelle Taylor with whom The Circle Arts Collective was founded.

Ashley has had all kinds of unusual jobs. To name a few, she has worked as a tutor for Apple Computers (don’t ask her to teach you anything, she has forgotten it all), in Music Licensing (very boring), at a Jewish Cultural Center (awesome), at an Environmental non-profit (yay, Earth!), and as a background actor on random movies and tv shows in Los Angles (the free food was the best part.) All of this eclectic and eccentric experience has helped shape her into the person she is today, someone who connects with people from many walks of life and creates community wherever she goes.

Ashley has a BFA in Musical Theatre from an Arts Conservatory Program in the Midwest that she doesn’t recommend, but she is grateful to have met her husband and many dear friends there.

She has been an active member of the Janesville Theatre Community since she arrived in 2020, participating in multiple productions and directing a few as well.

Ashley loves Janesville and this community with all of her heart. She simply wants to give back and create more opportunities for artists to do what they do best!

Ashley is thrilled to have directed BOUND

Ashley Hirsh is so proud to have produced and directed this unique piece of performance art. She is grateful to Janelle and Becky of the CAC Board for believing in the vision and making it a reality, The Women's Fund for supporting women and artists in our community, The Writer’s Circle, without whom this show would have no words, The Songwriters and Musicians, who have poured their hearts into the music, Taylor Manney, Life Dance Academy, and all of the Dancers for their stunning devotion to their craft and mind blowing talent, to The Actors for your dedication, inspiration, vulnerability, and spirit, and the Production Team for keeping her sane and organized. Final thanks to her loving husband Charlie Hirsh and their darling daughters who are always enthusiastically along for the ride.